So it’s taking quite a while to build! I have the basic framework of the site in place now – obviously, the main Social Trading page and the main Copy Trading page are important, and there’s not much to say in the “about Us’ section, but I wanted to keep it anyway. I’ve made two additional videos just for the ‘Taking Profits From Copy Trading‘ page – they’re the one about “Stop Copy” and “Pause Copy”.
As I make the pages, it becomes obvious that breaking the videos down into even smaller sections of info would be useful – I’m not sure how the subscribers on youtube will react to this though as maybe they’ll see it as too basic for them. Who knows … I know I’d appreciate all the detail I could get if I was just starting out.
I’m about to edit another – “remove funds” which is for the same page. Maybe I can use them on other pages too as I add more content, and the same basic mechanics of copy trading pop up repeatedly in different subjects. We’ll see…
I just lost the entire home page somehow and have had to re-do it 🙂
That’s it for now